Friday, February 6, 2009

Short and Sweet

Since the week flew by and this past week and weekend was full of clouds and rain and more clouds there is honestly not that much that I did, or that much to discuss. It has been crazy busy but with many little things and plenty of schedule changes. Two more projects down and one babysitting (dogsitting?) job later, I am tired and headed off to Madrid and southern Spain in the morning. All of my clothes are laid out on my bed- now I guess I just have to see if they will all fit. ha we will find out soon enough!

As far as theme goes I was not able to fulfill much this week, although I was quite interested in studying the edges that were created by pedestrians at my new studio site. For at Placa del Sol, no one really attempts to even break the rhythm and walk across the middle of the square- they remain and walk around the outskirts. I found it interesting that even though there was nothing creating an edge there was almost an emotional edge that no one wanted to be the 'center' of attention.

Although this week is short and sweet I am sure there will be plenty to dicuss after my trip.